About some measures of state support of book publishing business
 Decree of the President "About some measures of state support of book publishing business", 1998.
About additional measures of state support of national book publishing and distribution
 Decree of the President "About additional measures of state support of national book publishing and distribution", 2000.
About state support of book publishing business in Ukraine
 Law of Ukraine " About state support of book publishing business in Ukraine" from March 6, 2003; # 601-IV
About some changes to some Laws of Ukraine about state support of book publishing business in Ukraine
 Law of Ukraine "About some changes to some Laws of Ukraine about state support of book publishing business in Ukraine " from November 20, 2003; # 1300-IV
"About some measures for development of book publishing business in Ukraine"
 Decree of the President of Ukraine from March 21, 2006; # 243/2006
School copybooks. Writing books. Technical conditions
 Technical Standard of Ukraine 21.2-02126811-054-2001. First; Effective as on June 27, 2001.
Blanks for accounting records and reporting documentation
 Technical Standard of Ukraine 29.010-95. First; Effective as on October 1, 1995. 
Calendars. Technical conditions
 Technical Standard of Ukraine 29.005-95 Calendars. In place of TU 29.1-35-89; Effective as on April 1, 1995.
Sheet editions. Technical conditions
 Standards 22.2-02477019-02:2005. In place of TU 29.008-95. 
Unlabeled art cards. Technical conditions
 Standards 22.2-02477019—01:2004. In place of TU 29.01-26-90; Effective as on October 1, 2001.
State sanitary rules and norms. Hygienic requirements for printed products for children
 Sanitary and Epidemic Standards—2002. First; Effective as on March 1, 2002.
Editions for children. Polygraphic process. General technical requirements
 State Standard of Ukraine 29.6—2000. First. Effective as on August 1, 2002.
Book editions. Polygraphic process. General technical requirements
 State Standard of Ukraine 29.5—2001. In place of All-Union Standard 29.62—86; Effective as on July 1, 2001.
Soft and hard covers. Types
 State Standard of Ukraine 29.4—2001. In place of State Standard 22240— 76; Effective as on January 1, 2002.
Newspapers. Polygraphic process. General technical requirements
 State Standard of Ukraine 29.3—2000. In place of All-Union Standard 29.22—86, All-Union Standard 29.107—85; Effective as on July 1, 2000.