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Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association
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Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association

01601, Kyiv,
Triohsvyztytelska street 4, room 526
Tel: (044) 279-4575,
Tel/fax: (044) 278-6444

Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association is an All-Ukrainian charity organization, based on principles of law, humanism, common interests and equal rights of its members, voluntarism, self-government and publicity, for providing charitable activities for development of book publishing and distribution businesses and for distribution of periodical editions in Ukraine.

Main spheres of activity of the Association are:

  • Supporting practical accomplishment of national, regional, local and international programs aimed at improvement of social and economical state of book publishing in Ukraine.
  • Improving the financial state of workers of book publishing and distribution spheres.
  • Supporting realization of scientific and educational development programs for book publishing and distribution businesses.
  • Supporting realization of programs of national cultural development.
  • Supporting talented creative youth.
  • Assistance in protection and maintenance of cultural legacy, historical and cultural environment, historical and cultural sights.
  • Providing help in development of informational support and exchange between Members of the Association.

Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association. General information

Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association was registered By the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 17, 1994 as Ukrainian association non-state publishing houses, reregistered in 1996 as Ukrainian association of publishers, and in 2000 – once more, as Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association.
Currently it unites almost 130 juridical persons – major publishing houses and distribution companies of all forms of ownership.
The main goal and purpose of the Association is creation of favorable conditions for Ukrainian publishing parties for their active operation in providing the population with national spiritual and materialistic products, increasing the part of Ukrainian book in formation of self-consciousness of the Ukrainian nation.

  Expert's Column  
The president of the Ukrainian Publishers and Booksellers Association, the head chairman of the expert committee of Ukrainian National Council of culture and spirituality at the President’s Office

Oleksandr Afonin

Highly respected Viktor Andriyovich! Ukrainian Association of book publishers and distributors addresses you with a question that needs your immediate personal intervention, because, as the experience shows, this problem can totally overcome your Decree “About some measures for development of book publishing business in Ukraine” (March 21, 2006) and lead to a serious crisis in one of the branches of publishing business – book trade, which is in very critical condition already.

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