The eIFL Handbook on Copyright and Related Issues for Libraries
 The eIFL Handbook on Copyright and Related Issues for Libraries has recently been launched. Sponsored by the UNESCO Information for All Programme, this is a practical guide to topical legal questions affecting the information work of libraries in the fast moving digital environment.
Tactical Tech and iCommons have released the Open Publishing Edition of NGO-in-a-box
 The Open Publishing Edition of NGO-in-a-box is a toolkit of Free and Open Source software, tutorials and guides for producing, publishing and distributing content.
Best Practice Guide: Implementing the EU Copyright Directive in the Digital Age
 By Berkman Faculty Fellow Urs Gasser and Berkman affiliate Silke Ernst (both at the St. Gallen Research Center for Information Law). 
Materials from International scientific-practical conference INFORMATIO-2006 "Informational resources: problems of creation, usage and access"
 October 2–6, 2006, Alushta: International scientific-practical conference INFORMATIO-2006 "Informational resources: problems of creation, usage and access" has been carried out; 100 experts of library and informational technologies participated. 
Presentation and debates "Åffective promotion of the book: Increasing of the readers’ audience and books sales growth"
 On 15 September 2006 the Central and East European Book Project (CEEBP), Àmsterdam, Publishers’ Forum and International Foundation "Vidrodzhennia" have organized presentation and debates: "Åffective promotion of the book: Increasing of the readers’ audience and books sales growth"
Workshops of the Ukrainian Book Project. Workshop "Strategic planning in publishing sphere"
 In what way one can plan the publishing house activities for several years in advance? 26 publishers from Vinnytsia, Kyiv and Kharkiv have attempted to do this an the seminar "Strategic planning in publishing sphere’ which was held on 19-20 October 2006 at the International Foundation "Vidrodzhennia" (renascence). 