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УАВК: листування з владою
Літературно-критичний журнал «Київська Русь»
ГОГОЛЬFest 2007
Форум Видавців у Львові - 2007

Діловий досвід

Міжнародний досвід

Українська асоціація видавців та книгорозповсюджувачів
Колонка експерта
Форум :: від ідеї до прибуткового бізнесу

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Ініціативи книжкового ринкуУАВК: листування з владоюЛітературно-критичний журнал «Київська Русь»
ГОГОЛЬFest 2007Форум Видавців у Львові - 2007

Скористайтесь можливістю безплатно розмістити прес-реліз вашої організації у цьому розділі. Будь ласка, надсилайте свої матеріали за адресою [email protected]. Право публікувати чи не публікувати надіслані прес-релізи редакція порталу залишає за собою.

Announcement of the Launch of the Project on Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukraine Through Publications and Trainings

Date 27.10.2007 Place: "Opera" Hotel, 53, Bohdana Khmelnytskogo St., Kyiv at celebrate the 10th anniversary of NGO "League of Professional Women"

Launch of the Project on Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukraine Through Publications and Trainings
The project supported by the Democracy Grants Program of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine. The views of the authors do not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Government

Project Summery

A well-functioning democracy depends to a high degree on the continuous promotion of democratic values and principles, as well as on the development and strengthening of democratic institutions which are able to assist citizens in promoting human rights, skills and competence building, equal opportunity and diversity, innovation and entrepreneurship. These are also the priorities of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The World Business Council for Sustainable Development has described CSR as the business contribution to sustainable economic development. Building on a base of compliance with legislation and regulations, CSR typically includes "beyond law" commitments and activities pertaining to:

  • corporate governance and ethics
  • health and safety
  • environmental stewardship
  • human rights (including core labour rights, gender equality)
  • human resource management
  • community involvement, development and investment

According to CSR Europe research 2006, two trends on CSR more important: Equal Opportunity and Skills &Competence building. This new LPW project will be focused on them.

In February 2007 Ukrainian NGO "League of Professional Women" (LPW) successfully completed a micro project called "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Role of Government, Expectations of Civil Society and Practice of Ukrainian Commercial Sector» (donor: Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives, Canadian Embassy in Ukraine). Among the project’s outputs was around table discussion on CSR, development of recommendations and a book "Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukraine: Experts’ Opinion" published in Ukrainian. The book was quickly disseminated and the LPW continues to receive requests for both Ukrainian and English versions of this book, as well as other materials on CSR. The project confirmed that CSR is a topical issue for many Ukrainian organizations. In order to continue activities devoted to CSR, LPW decided to develop best practices and trainings of trainers on this topic, based on experience, recommendations and publications developed earlier.

Project Media PARTNERS: Expert Ukraine, General Director, Internet portals "", Civic Space

Project NGO PARTNERS: Confederation of Employers of Ukraine, the Centre of Philanthropy, UK-Ukraine Professional Network under British Council (UUPN); U-Media Project, Internews Network whose members will be involved as experts or/and volunteers in the project.

Project Activities.
The project purpose is to develop the professional vision of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Ukraine and to set up a permanent and regular dialogue on this issue by:

  1. conducting two workshops for 30 experts and two thematic trainings for trainers (ToT) for 30 representatives of selected interested organizations (NGO leaders, professional organizations, business support funds, business companies, public authorities, and mass media);
  2. development and publication 500 samples of a "CSR Practitioner’s Guide" which will include CSR best practices and training for trainers materials;
  3. presentation of project publishing materials and dissemination results among target audiences

PROJECT DATES (month/year - month/year): September 2007- April 2008

The project is directed to the following social groups: NGO Leaders; enterprises,
social partners, public authorities, employment service organizations, mass-media representatives.

Project Activities & Timetable. MONTHLY WORK PLAN

  • September - October 2007: Analysis of CSR best practices in Ukraine in two areas: equal opportunities, and skills and competence building. Preparation of a methodological module for best practices analysis.
  • November-December 2007: Organization and delivery first ToT programs for 1 target groups. ToT 1- Target group of 15 people- NGO leaders, representatives of professional organizations, mass media. Conducting first training (22.11.2007) for 15 participants.
  • Organization and delivery first experts’ workshop (3.12.2007) for a total of 30 participants. Workshop 3/12/2007 from 10/00 to 13/00 and Focus Groups 14/00-17/00
  • Survey data processing from focus group and preparing portfolio of materials on CSR (thesis, statistics, articles, expert survey results).
  • Collection of information for "CSR/HR/PR Practitioner’s Guide" following the scheme: Introduction and background; key drivers for change: the best practice; promoting gender diversity; policies and programs; change attitude and behaviors; conclusion.
  • January- February 2008: Preparation of Training of trainers (ToT) program ToT 2 target group. ToT 2 -Target group of 15 people- representatives of business support organizations, business companies and public organizations. Conducting second training for 15 participants.
  • March - April 2008: Organization and delivery second experts’ workshop. Design, lay-out and publication of "CSR Practitioners Guide" (500 samples). Start for dissemination "CSR/HR/PR Practitioners Guide".
  • Dissemination of results and reporting.

Project Steering Group
Project manager O.Lazorenko
Publication manager L.Magduk
Events coordinator (volunteer)- M.Kobalinova
Trainer1 S.Kuts
Accountant N.Chuprikova
Speakers- Volunteers


Description of the Event

Person Responsible


Project start up and general coordination
Working out integrated operational schedule and time table, setting up a Project Steering Group
Project manager,
Events coordinator


Analysis of best practices in Ukraine on the CSR in two areas: equal opportunities; skills and competences building;
Preparation methodological module for best practices analysis.
Project manager, Publication manager Events coordinator, volunteers from Confederation of Employers of Ukraine, Centre of Philanthropy and other Project NGO PARTNERS


Preparing expert survey on CSR (expert questionnaires) to propose it during expert workshop

Selection 30 experts for expert workshops

Project manager, Publication manager, volunteers from Confederation of Employers of Ukraine, Centre of Philanthropy


Organization and conducting two experts workshops for a total of 30 participants.

Expert and online survey data processing.
Preparing portfolio of materials on CSR (thesis, statistics, articles, expert survey results).

Collection of information for "CSR Practitioner’s Guide" following the scheme:
Introduction and background; key drivers for change: the best practice; promoting gender diversity; policies and programs; change attitude and behaviors; conclusion.

Project manager, Events, coordinator, volunteers from Confederation of Employers of Ukraine, Centre of Philanthropy & other Project NGO PARTNERS, Project Media PARTNERS
8 experts, 2 trainers


Preparing TRAINING 1 for 15 people
Training 2 for 15 people

ToT program;
Selection of 30 trainees for ToT program

Design and lay-out of “CSR Practitioner’s Guide”

2 trainers,
Events coordinator, Project manager
Project Media PARTNERS

Printing agency selected Publication manager, Project manager


Preparation of training materials’ handouts (for 30 persons)

Organization and delivery of ToT 1 program for target group 1;
ToT 1 - target group of 15 people-NGO leaders, representatives of professional organizations, mass media.
The training program will include 4 main sections

Project manager, Events coordinator, 2 trainers
Guest speakers - volunteers


Organization and delivery of ToT 2 program (the same content as above) for target group 2;
ToT 2 target group of 15 people-representatives of business support organizations, business companies and public organizations.

Dissemination of results and reporting to Democracy Grants program.

Project manager, Events coordinator, 2 trainers
Guest speakers and volunteers
Project Media PARTNERS

Project manager, Project coordinator


Publication of "CSR Practitioner’s Guide" (500samples).

Dissemination publication among target audiences Dissemination "CSR Practitioner’s Guide" ( mass-media and internet announcement etc)

Printing agency selected Project manager

Publication manager

Project Media PARTNERS, Project NGO PARTNERS

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Президент Української асоціації видавців та книгорозповсюджувачів

Олександр Афонін

Вельмишановний Дмитре Володимировичу! Як Вам відомо, ситуація навколо проблеми орендних стосунків культурно-мистецьких закладів і суб’єктів видавничої справи з розпорядниками загальнодержавним і комунальним майном залишається дуже і дуже гострою, що є причиною серйозного психологічного і соціального напруження, яке сьогодні наростає серед культурної і творчої інтелігенції, видавничого загалу. Відсутність адекватних ситуації кроків з боку виконавчої влади у бік її покращення і за рахунок цього зменшення напруження в суспільстві, особливо у найбільш освіченої її частини, може привести до небажаних для держави наслідків в цілому. Тому дуже прошу Вас особисто, шановний Дмитре Володимировичу, докласти всіх зусиль, щоб ці позитивні зміни з’явились у тих законодавчих актах, що готуються Кабінетом Міністрів.